This blog chronicles my experiences in the Anne Braden Anti-Racist Training Program. I write to stay connected to my home communities, to share resources and experiences that may be useful to others' organizing work, and to help me process and integrate what I learn. Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hi readers--if I indeed have any readers left after neglecting my writing for the last several weeks.

A lot has happened during this time: I've found a job and a place to live. In the Anne Braden Program, we've had sessions on Native sovereignty and de-colonization; Black liberation; class; and imperialism and global people's movements. A program participant and leadership team member organized an outside session on disability justice--which was eye-opening and transformative for many, and allowed us to get into some of the deep exploration of how the political shapes our personal lives. I've gotten a chance to hang out with and work with IJANers based in the Bay, and to learn some more about where IJAN came from and the strategic role it's seeking to play. I had my first meeting with my Braden program mentor. And I've started volunteering at Mujeres Unidas y Activas, a totally rad organization now immersed in the very exciting state-wide campaign to win a domestic worker's bill of rights in California!

Really, so much has been happening that I don't really know where to begin. I guess that's a good thing! I just wanted to give a quick update to break the intertia of not writing, and then hopefully soon to get into some of the backlog of juicy issues that have been coming up.